Monday, June 29, 2009

Caring for Your Skin in Summer

Hot, dry, steamy weather actually dries your skin. When you perspire your skin is trying to cool your body temperature. In the process body salts are sent to help in the preservation process. It also however, dries the skin out as it lies on the skin. 
Tight skin is a sign that it is not being hydrated, that you need more water in the skin. It is also not going to make you look younger. You have to have water in the skin to plump it and help with healthy skin cell behaviors. 
Depending on the environment you live or work in, the skin responds accordingly. Do you have questions about your skin. Please ask me. I would love to help you out! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

National Treasures team

In the past month, I went on a cruise with my mother and two aunts. That was a delight and such a wonderful memory for me. Also in the last month I rode my bike across Georgia with the Beauty Becomes You cycling team called the National Treasures. Close to 400 miles is ridden in the course of a week. Our team started 4 years ago and is recognized by our jerseys we have made yearly. They are also recognized as the true National Treasures are 60-80+ years old and they all ride the entire ride. 
My riding partner, Joe Davidson,77, to whom I am most grateful; guided me up the highest hills in North Georgia and coached me on the flats which with long miles and headwinds, believe it or not, were tougher than the hills. 
I will share the photo of the whole team as soon as I can . But, here is a typical 6 am shot of Joe and I just before we left for the 5 hour or so ride ahead! 
Join us next year. It is amazing and teaches you a lot about what you CAN DO despite the challenges. 

A New Time for a NEW Term for Senior

We are all looking for a new way to express the word senior. It seems that the term "elder" although a revered word in some cultures has it's own limitations as a descriptor in the U.S.. The word Croney- which really indicates "wisdom of aging" is an option. Although positive in it's true meaning I think most of us think negative immediately as in "old croney".
There are others, many in fact, but it requires an entire re-education process for us to change our view of the term senior when it refers to someone older. I personally like senior as it refers to being a Senior in High School, College or a Senior partner in a professional practice or business. It is positive and STRONG until you get to the senior related to being at the late stages of life. Ironic really as it is probably when we should receive the recognition as being accomplished in many areas and realizing finally that there is so much more to know and grow to become. We have measuring sticks of success and accomplishment for the first definitions mentioned. However, we have not yet defined -in a positive fashion that to be a senior in our society means you have completed school or some avocation, had a family or influenced young people along the way in some form or fashion, created friendships- some which last a minute in the scheme of life and some which last a life time; We've celebrated others birthday's and mile stones for ourselves and others. Perhaps the use of the term senior in our earlier years are the misnomers? Perhaps we should not be applauded for reaching heights which are truly "Milestones". Now, is the true celebration! 
That is why I propose our new term be "National Treasure". From the Rockies to the ocean to the Yosemite and all the other grand gestures we consider our National Treasures, the genuine national treasures are all around us, right in front of us, perhaps sitting next to us right now. They are the senior executives of life and they continue to thrive, live and contribute in perhaps even greater ways than they ever could when they were being measured by common tools. Pay attention and instead of thinking less than because the packaging is a little wrinkled, think about what's in that package. Appearances are not always what they seem.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beauty Becomes You Launches Blog

Why not? Everyone else has one and it is one of the best ways for you to ask questions of BBYF.
Please feel free to join at any time, ask questions related to caring for your skin or your parents aesthetic health. 
Oh, Aesthetic Health? that's a new phrase that I dreamed up years ago. It is all about the things that we do for our bodies that affect and effect the way we look. It can affect us emotionally when we feel good or don't like the way we look. And physical changes related to age, environment, or illness always make us think about what is right or wrong with us. 
So, whether it is about taking care of your skin because you have acne, aging or issues related to a recovery period following a medical issue, just ask. Or if your hair or  nails have changed and your befuddled about what's going on; describe and ask us. We'll do our best to get you pointed in the right direction about what you can do for it or if we think there is a better resource for help we'll let you know.